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Get Involved !

Get in touch with the Democratic Seeds near you

Facebook main groups

There are also many local groups in france. A list of these groups is available on the french site

Map of the Democratic Seeds

Add yourself on the map and get in touch with the Democratic Seeds living near you !


Visit your local group's facebook (or the other channels of communication used by your group), and check the events calendar of the wiki on regular basis!

Get involved in working groups

Democratic Seeds' social network ggouv is entirely structured around the principle of thematic groups. Feel free to explore and discover the working groups it contains! (only in French until now)

Spread the word around you !

The best way to move forward would be for everyone to take charge and do its part, here are some examples of ways to spread The Message :

Ways to spread the message

  • Speak around with neighbours, family, on the internet, local radios, associations,..
  • Send emails or priveta messages to your relatives
  • Organise and film debates with your family and friends then publish them on the internet
  • Stick or insert labels « Approved by Democratic Seeds » on selected books and comics, in public or school libraries, bookstores
  • Meet together, invite strangers to discuss democracy and share The Message in places like : political cafes, public parks or gardens
  • Get involved in lectures, conferences about society and social issues (food, climate,..) and express your ideas on democracy during questions to speakers